Do you like raising money to help others? Second graders do! Every year around this time, we focus our attention on helping others, writing persuasive paragraphs, and learning about what it means to produce and consume goods. When you mesh these ideas together, you have the ever popular, Second Grade Sale!

We take our sale very seriously. Weeks prior to this event, students are meticulously creating projects out of recycled boxes, cans, toilet paper rolls, bottle caps, wood pieces, etc. This year, we collaborated with Ms. Nicole S., the Collaboratory Instructor, to help bring students imaginative ideas to life with the use of the Glowforge and 3-D printer. Students created ornaments, game pieces, and cars.

Where does the money go that is made from our sale? The money we earn from the sale is donated to a specific cause voted on by our 2nd graders. Each student has to write a persuasive speech about what charity or foundation we should give the money to. After everyone submits their speech, we take a vote. The charity with the most votes, receives the money we raise.

This is one of our favorite 2nd grade projects!  It teaches children about helping others, recycling and taking care of our earth, and it give students a real-life experience in producing and consuming goods. Last year the children raised $800 for The Los Angeles Children’s Hospital. I wonder where our funds will go this year?

Our Second Grade Sale is February 27th from 9am-11am in our classrooms. We hope to see you there!